Thursday 1 September 2011

The next decade in the elec industry

The OpportunitiesAlthough there will only be modest growth in the construction market, the sustainability agenda will
provide significant opportunities in renewable power generation as the programme to upgrade the
UK’s existing building stock gets underway. Work will be required on virtually every building in the UK,
with demand for systems to minimise energy consumption requiring the skills of electrical contractors
for installation.

The government has said it will encourage increased use of small and medium sized contractors on
public sector projects, providing new opportunities for many electrical contractors.

SMART meters will be installed in every home and many buildings will incorporate remote control
monitoring with high speed internet allowing specialist centres to take charge of this on behalf of
building occupants. With far greater use of high-tech electrical systems, demand for electrical and
communication installations will be high both for installation and when they fail.

Installation of local neighbourhood power generation and vehicle charging networks will provide new
opportunities for electrical contractors, as will the growth of high speed broadband with networks in
every building.

Electrical contractors could develop their skills and knowledge of heating and lighting control
techniques in order to provide energy efficiency services, or become Green Deal or Green Energy
installers, replacing other trades. As well as installation services there will be opportunities for
electrical contractors to become Green Deal Assessors.

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