Thursday 18 July 2013

Thank you jet stream

Throughout June the weather across the UK had been decidedly mixed with some pleasant weather interspersed with spells of wet and windy weather. This was because the jet stream was meandering across the Atlantic in a position which was slightly further south than you would expect at that time of year.

However, a major change took place just after the start of July as the jet stream took a dramatic shift northwards. This led rain-bearing weather systems to be deflected towards Iceland and Scandinavia with high pressure becoming the dominant factor across the country. In meteorological terms, this is known as a blocked pattern. High pressure at this time of year means generally fine weather, while the strength of sun can generate some very high temperatures.

It is interesting to note that most of the UK has benefited from the summer weather and the highest temperatures have not necessarily been confined to any one area. Another point of interest is that we have seen very few thunderstorms in the last couple of weeks. It is a common conception that these always accompany hot weather but this has not been the case over the last couple of weeks, mainly because the hot weather has not been imported from France or Spain.

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